#34 ✓resolved
Ashley Moran

Stop class_eval/instance_eval being counted as a nested iterator

Reported by Ashley Moran | April 3rd, 2009 @ 03:04 PM

The following code:

@model_class.class_eval do |variable|
  persisted_entity_class.entity_class_properties.each do |ecp|
    property ecp.identifier.to_sym, String, :nullable => false

causes this spec failure for me:

'dm-datamapper-adapter has no code smells' FAILED
Expected no smells, but got:
"lib/datamapper_adapter/model_class_factory.rb" -- 1 warnings:
DataMapper::Adapters::DataMapperAdapter#ModelClassFactory#ModelClassBuilder#add_properties!/block/block is nested (Nested Iterators)

Is there another way to structure this code? Or is this reek being over-sensitive to blocks? (I can't see a less-nested solution!)

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