Changeset [e60d1b8cbc110706f172f7e9495f7bc5961633fd] by Kevin Rutherford
March 2nd, 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Removed a load of spurious messing with $:
Committed by Kevin Rutherford
- M lib/reek/block_context.rb
- M lib/reek/class_context.rb
- M lib/reek/code_context.rb
- M lib/reek/code_parser.rb
- M lib/reek/if_context.rb
- M lib/reek/method_context.rb
- M lib/reek/module_context.rb
- M lib/reek/object_refs.rb
- M lib/reek/options.rb
- M lib/reek/report.rb
- M lib/reek/sexp_formatter.rb
- M lib/reek/singleton_method_context.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/control_couple.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/duplication.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/feature_envy.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/large_class.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/long_method.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/long_parameter_list.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/long_yield_list.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/nested_iterators.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/smell_detector.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/smells.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/uncommunicative_name.rb
- M lib/reek/smells/utility_function.rb
- M lib/reek/stop_context.rb
- M lib/reek/yield_call_context.rb
- M spec/reek/code_checks.rb
- M spec/reek/smells/duplication_spec.rb
- M tasks/defaults.rake
- M tasks/deployment.rake
- M tasks/rspec.rake
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